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Writer's pictureKaikhan Salakhov


Updated: Sep 18

Cosmogeopolism is a term created by Kaikhan Salakhov in 2021 to describe the underlying concept of his paintings "Astral Space Exploration: The Hidden Treasure", "Astral Space Exploration: The Cosmic Enlightenment", "Astral Space Exploration: Successive Stages of The Evolution of Space Civilization Part I", "Astral Space Exploration: Successive Stages of The Evolution of Space Civilization Part II", "Astral Space Exploration: Successive Stages of The Evolution of Space Civilization Part III", "Astral Space Exploration: Successive Stages of The Evolution of Space Civilization Part IV". In 2024, the concept was thoroughly and comprehensively introduced at the Dubai exhibition "Cosmic Renaissance" and extensively examined in the book "Astral Space Exploration: The Cosmic Renaissance: The Fundamental Principles of Cosmocybernetics".


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Cosmogeopolism refers to the phenomenon arising in a future era of extensive interstellar expansion where human colonies, spread across multiple planets, star systems, and galaxies, develop distinct identities based on their specific cosmic locations and geopolitical contexts. This term also encompasses the similar processes occurring among potential xenocultures (alien civilizations), recognizing the emergence of diverse interstellar identities shaped by unique environmental, cultural, biological, and political factors, leading to the formation of complex societies with varying degrees of technological advancement and cultural complexity.

Key Components:

Cosmic Location: The geographical and astronomical positioning of a colony or civilization, including its planet, star system, and galactic region. This aspect influences the environmental conditions, available resources, and potential for further expansion.

Geopolitical Context: The political, social, and ideological frameworks governing a colony or civilization. This includes the regulatory systems, governance structures, and ideological beliefs that shape the societal norms and interstellar relations of the colony or civilization.

Cultural Evolution: The development of unique cultural practices, languages, traditions, and belief systems influenced by the history, environment, and interactions of a colony or civilization with others. This cultural evolution contributes to a distinct sense of identity and belonging.

Biological Divergence: The variations in physiology and genetics resulting from adaptation to different planetary environments and technological enhancements. This divergence can lead to the emergence of post-human species or distinct alien species with unique physical and cognitive traits.

Technological Advancement: The level and type of technology developed and utilized by a colony or civilization. Technological innovations can drive societal changes, influence cultural practices, and enable further cosmic exploration.

Interstellar Identity: The collective sense of self and communal identity formed by the inhabitants of a colony or civilization, rooted in their cosmic and geopolitical context. This identity encompasses the history, cultural heritage, and future aspirations of the group.

Implications of Cosmogeopolism

Stellar Superiority:

Definition: The belief that certain colonies or civilizations are superior due to their cosmic location, cultural heritage, technological advancements, or political power.

Implications: Stellar superiority can lead to interstellar conflicts, colonization efforts, and the imposition of cultural or political systems on perceived inferior colonies.

Social Stratification:

Definition: The formation of distinct social classes and hierarchies based on technological capabilities, environmental adaptations, and cultural achievements.

Implications: Social stratification can create systemic inequalities, with elite colonies or civilizations wielding disproportionate power and influence over others.

Interstellar Diplomacy:

Definition: The establishment of diplomatic relations and alliances between different colonies and civilizations, shaped by their geopolitical interests and cultural affinities.

Implications: Interstellar diplomacy involves complex negotiations to balance power, prevent conflicts, and foster cooperation. Hierarchies and stellar superiority beliefs can complicate diplomatic efforts.

Cultural Exchange:

Definition: The exchange of cultural artifacts, knowledge, and traditions between colonies and civilizations, leading to a rich tapestry of interstellar cultural diversity.

Implications: Cultural exchange can mitigate ethnocentric tendencies and promote mutual understanding, though it can also lead to cultural appropriation and dominance by more powerful cultures.

Conflict and Cooperation:

Definition: The potential for conflicts arising from geopolitical rivalries, resource competition, and ideological differences, balanced by opportunities for cooperation in areas such as trade, science, and defense.

Implications: Cosmogeopolism shapes the dynamics of interstellar conflicts and alliances, with superior colonies often leading coalitions or exerting influence in cooperative ventures.

Evolution of Identity: Definition: The continuous evolution of what it means to be human or an alien species in an interstellar context, influenced by the interplay of biological, cultural, and technological factors.

Implications: As identities evolve, new forms of interstellar ethnocentrism and stellar hierarchies may emerge, reflecting the complex interplay of cosmogeopolitical factors.

Interstellar Geopolitical Contexts in Cosmogeopolism

Planetary Sovereignty:

Definition: The concept of self-governance and autonomy for individual planets within their respective star systems.

Implications: Each planet establishes its own political structures, legal systems, and governance models. Sovereign planets may form alliances or rivalries based on their geopolitical interests.

Star System Confederations:

Definition: Alliances formed by multiple planets within a single star system, aimed at mutual defense, economic cooperation, and cultural exchange.

Implications: These confederations facilitate trade, resource sharing, and collective security, while maintaining the sovereignty of individual planets. They can also establish hierarchies based on the relative power of member planets.

Galactic Federations:

Definition: Large-scale political entities comprising multiple star system confederations across a galaxy, united under a central governing body for overarching policies and regulations.

Implications: Galactic federations coordinate large-scale initiatives and mediate disputes among member star systems, often creating a hierarchy where the central governing body wields significant influence.

Intergalactic Alliances:

Definition: Cooperative agreements and strategic partnerships between different galaxies, focusing on shared interests and common threats.

Implications: These alliances promote intergalactic trade, cultural exchange, and collective defense, while navigating the complexities of diverse geopolitical contexts and stellar hierarchies.

Cultural Hegemony:

Definition: The dominance of certain cultural practices, languages, and ideologies across multiple planets and star systems, often propagated by technologically advanced or culturally influential colonies or civilizations.

Implications: Cultural hegemony can create a sense of shared identity among diverse populations, but also risks cultural homogenization and the suppression of local traditions.

Resource Diplomacy:

Definition: The negotiation and management of resources, such as rare minerals, energy sources, and habitable planets, crucial for the survival and advancement of interstellar colonies and civilizations.

Implications: Resource diplomacy involves complex negotiations and trade agreements, influencing the geopolitical landscape and establishing hierarchies based on resource control.

Technological Disparities:

Definition: The uneven distribution of technological advancements among different colonies and civilizations, leading to varying levels of development and capabilities.

Implications: Technological disparities can create power imbalances, with more advanced colonies or civilizations exerting influence over less developed ones. Efforts to bridge these gaps through technology transfer and collaborative research are essential for equitable development.

Ideological Conflicts:

Definition: Clashes between different political and ideological systems, such as democracy, technocracy, and theocratic governance, prevalent among interstellar colonies and civilizations.

Implications: Ideological conflicts can lead to diplomatic tensions, political rivalries, and even interstellar wars. Finding common ground and fostering tolerance for diverse ideologies are crucial for maintaining peace and stability.

Migration and Identity:

Definition: The movement of populations between planets, star systems, and galaxies, driven by factors such as economic opportunities, environmental challenges, and political unrest.

Implications: Migration shapes the demographic and cultural landscape of colonies and civilizations, leading to the blending of identities and the emergence of cosmopolitan societies. However, it can also result in social tensions and identity crises.

Extraterritorial Jurisdiction:

Definition: The extension of a colony’s or civilization’s legal and political influence beyond its immediate borders, often through space stations, outposts, and exploratory missions.

Implications: Extraterritorial jurisdiction raises complex legal and ethical questions about sovereignty, human rights, and the rule of law in the vast expanse of space. It requires robust frameworks for governance and conflict resolution.

Interspecies and Xenocultural Relationships in Cosmogeopolism

Xenocultural Exchange:

Definition: The interaction and exchange of cultural practices, knowledge, and traditions between human colonies and alien civilizations.

Implications: Xenocultural exchange fosters mutual understanding and enrichment, though it can also lead to cultural appropriation and dominance by more powerful civilizations.

Interspecies Diplomacy:

Definition: Diplomatic relations and alliances formed between human colonies and alien civilizations, shaped by their geopolitical interests and cultural affinities.

Implications: Interspecies diplomacy involves complex negotiations to balance power, prevent conflicts, and foster cooperation. Differences in biology, culture, and ideology can complicate diplomatic efforts but also provide opportunities for innovative solutions.

Biocultural Integration:

Definition: The blending of biological traits and cultural practices resulting from prolonged contact and cooperation between human and alien civilizations.

Implications: Biocultural integration leads to hybrid societies with unique identities, but may also create tensions regarding purity, tradition, and the preservation of distinct cultural and biological traits.

Xenopolitical Hierarchies:

Definition: Hierarchies and power dynamics established between human colonies and alien civilizations based on technological, cultural, and political superiority.

Implications: Xenopolitical hierarchies can result in dominance, subjugation, and exploitation of less advanced civilizations. Efforts to promote equality and mutual respect are crucial for harmonious interspecies relations.

Xenobiological Superiority:

Definition: The belief in the superiority of certain biological traits or adaptations possessed by either human or alien species.

Implications: Xenobiological superiority can lead to discrimination, segregation, and conflict. Recognizing and valuing diverse biological traits can foster greater appreciation and cooperation among different species.


Definition: The tendency to view one’s own species’ biological and cultural traits as central or superior, often leading to biased judgments of other species.

Implications: Ethnobiocentricism can hinder interspecies understanding and cooperation. Promoting intercultural education and empathy is essential for overcoming these biases.

Impacts of Interstellar Geopolitical Contexts on Cosmogeopolism

Power Dynamics: The interplay of power among planets, star systems, and galaxies influences the formation of alliances, the rise of dominant cultures, and the emergence of hegemonic powers.

Cultural Syncretism: The blending and fusion of diverse cultural elements lead to the creation of new, hybrid cultural identities that reflect the complexity of interstellar societies.

Economic Interdependence: The interconnectedness of interstellar economies fosters cooperation and mutual dependence, driving innovation and growth while also posing risks of economic imbalances and dependencies.

Security Challenges: The vastness of space and the diversity of political entities present unique security challenges, requiring innovative approaches to defense, diplomacy, and conflict resolution.

Evolution of Governance: The need for effective governance structures capable of addressing the unique challenges of interstellar life drives the evolution of new political models and institutions.

Cosmogeopolism provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how the interplay of identity, location, and interstellar geopolitical contexts shapes the future of human and alien civilizations as they expand across the cosmos. It highlights the potential for stellar superiority, hierarchical structures, stellarcentric behaviors, and complex interspecies and xenocultural relationships rooted in the diverse and dynamic interstellar environment.


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